The Regional Prevention Center of Southeast Kansas

Established in 1987, the Regional Prevention Center of Southeast Kansas serves the 11 counties of Southeast Kansas: Allen, Anderson, Bourbon, Cherokee, Crawford, Labette, Linn, Montgomery, Neosho, Wilson and Woodson.

The RPC works directly with local groups and individuals to mobilize communities through the Strategic Prevention Framework using data to target high risk area for youth. This information can then be used to implement new prevention services and/or make existing prevention services more available.

Friday, June 29, 2007

"Not Even Once" Meth Prevention Campaign Ads from Montana


Anonymous said...

I am a registered nurse at Washington High School in Phoenix Arizona. I would like to know if a shirt is available for me to wear to wear to drive the message home to our students. Their is more meth going around our school than administration is willing to acknowledge. The not once tshirts would give the message each time these students entered my office (which is alot) If this is availabe it can be sent to 2217 W. glendale ave. phoenix arizona 85021. Any other ideas you may feel free to contact Debbie @ 623-915-8403. May be we can stop at least one! Thank you so much.

Regional Prevention Center of Southeast Kansas said...


These ads are from a camapaign in Montana, so they may have t-shirts available. I would google the "Not Even Once" campaign and see if you can find their site with contact information.

If you are having an issue with acknowledgement and awareness you could contact local law enforcement or prevention personnel in your area to do a training to "town hall" type meeting to help increase awareness of meth use and production. I'm not sure what is available in Phoenix, but you should have some of those resources available.

Hope this helps you :)

Have a great day!

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