The Regional Prevention Center of Southeast Kansas

Established in 1987, the Regional Prevention Center of Southeast Kansas serves the 11 counties of Southeast Kansas: Allen, Anderson, Bourbon, Cherokee, Crawford, Labette, Linn, Montgomery, Neosho, Wilson and Woodson.

The RPC works directly with local groups and individuals to mobilize communities through the Strategic Prevention Framework using data to target high risk area for youth. This information can then be used to implement new prevention services and/or make existing prevention services more available.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Adults Provided 40% of Alcohol to Underage Drinkers

Adults over the age of 21, including a substantial number of parents and guardians, are contributing to the underage drinking phenomenon by supplying free alcohol to young people, a nationwide report. The report, Underage Alcohol Use: Findings from the 2002-2006 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health, states that more than 40 percent of youths ages 12 to 20 who used alcohol in the past 30 days reported receiving free alcohol from an adult. One in 16 underage drinkers, or an estimated 650,000 youths, had received alcohol from a parent or guardian in the past month.
SAMHSA Administrator Terry Cline, Ph.D. "Its findings strongly indicate that parents and other adults can play an important role in helping influence — for better or for worse — young people's behavior with regard to underage drinking." The report also states that binge drinking rates are significantly higher for young people living with a parent who engaged in past-year binge drinking. A total of 30.3 percent of underage drinkers reported that they were in their own home when they had their last drink, while 53.4 percent were at someone else's home and comparatively few were at a restaurant, bar or club.

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